Brian J. Ganton & Associates
Brian J. Ganton & Associates
882-B2 Pompton Avenue
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Phone: (973) 857-5099
Fax: (973) 857-8958
Brian J. Ganton & Associates was founded in New York City in 1972. Our culture, like our inception, is entrepreneurial. It's an environment that encourages every one of us to take ownership, take risks and take the ball. It's an ideal culture that requires careful and patient cultivation and all the right ingredients. We have it. And you'll feel it the moment you walk through our doors or speak with any one of us. It's that feeling of empowerment, stripped of traditional corporate politics and hierarchies. It says I'm here and I'm willing and able to do whatever it takes to get the results you need. It may sound trite but it works.
You won't find any revolving doors at Brian J. Ganton & Associates. In fact, we are a family of over twenty of the most dedicated and talented professionals you're ever likely to meet. And their average tenure? An astounding thirteen years. So once someone learns your business, they're in your business for the long haul.
Everything we do for a client's brand we do for a sound reason. We're not capable of being "cool" simply for "cool's" sake. We employ strategies as a platform so fresh ideas can take flight. Not as a crutch for mediocre work.
Great Work
Walk through our Agency and you'll see the good, the bad and the ugly. We have a rule that's not negotiable. All creative work goes up on the walls. Good or bad, finished or unfinished. It hangs there exposed. And everyone who works here comments, fixes, red lines, circles, changes—anything and everything—all with one goal in mind: Meet or exceed the client's objective.
Strategic Planning and Research
• Strategic Marketing and Communications Planning
• Qualitative and Quantitative Research
• Focus Groups
• Website Development
• Online Marketing Planning
• Online Advertising and Promotion
• Media Planning
• Media Buying
• Media Relations
