Hudson Horizons
Hudson Horizons
299 Market St, Suite 470
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Phone: (201) 845-8700
Fax: (201) 845-8703
Hudson Horizons is a Website Development and Search Engine Optimization Company, servicing New Jersey and New York, specializing in creating highly sophisticated customized websites, web-based applications and providing SEO services for businesses of all sizes.
A main focus of ours is to develop technologies that are commonly referred in today's Internet standards as Web 2.0 technology. Such examples include: blogs/weblogs, RSS feeds, social networking, social bookmarking, content management, and other forms of communication and social web-based tools.
By offering new, innovative and extremely competitive products and solutions to our clients, we provide better ways to run and operate a business online.
The HH Vision
Unique added value delivered to our customers
Hudson Horizons provides web-based services and solutions to small and mid-sized businesses that have only been financially and readily available to larger corporations. We are able to advance businesses, while reducing the overall resources for operating a business online.
Our e-business products and solutions will reduce your total cost of ownership and minimize the overall cycle time to effectively manage your e-business, which will provide an immediate return on your investment... guaranteed.
Internet Marketing and SEO Services
Increase your exposure on the Internet
e-Marketing (or Internet Marketing) is simply defined as achieving marketing objectives through use of the Internet.
Driving customers to your website and increasing the exposure of your business is the goal of our e-Marketing services. We will create an online buzz for your business, which will increase company sales.
Need help increasing your rank in the search engines and receiving more exposure through the Internet?
We offer e-Marketing services for just about every one of your online needs. Increasing your rank in Google, MSN, AOL and Yahoo and driving more traffic to your website will begin to easily generate more sales.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
As the Internet continues to dramatically increase in the number of users and websites, companies face more competition to claim top spots on the SERPs everyday. What does this mean for people like you who refuse to settle for mediocre page rank and a listing on page ten in Google search results? In order to keep your website competitive and your ranking as high as possible, you must perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Optimizing your site can considerably improve your page ranking in the major search engines. There are dozens of ways to approach SEO-some will be more effective than others from each site to the next. But there is one universal truth about SEO- no matter what kind of website you run, Search Engine Optimization must performed rigorously and consistently, so that we may continue to see positive results in regards to search engine ranking.
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social media is a way to describe collective conversations that take place online. When people create and contribute content and opinions to an interactive platform, such as an online message board, they're partaking in social media. Social media marketing is the process of marketing your company via these stimulating, engaging conversations.
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