Lot or Not
Lot or Not
1973 Highway 34, Allenwood, NJ
(732) 451-0820
We don't build car dealer websites. We build car buyer websites.
Is your car dealer website getting customers to the lot, or not? As a car dealership, you may be on the verge of making a huge mistake by hiring a company that builds car dealer websites. That’s right, it’s a mistake to hire a company that builds car dealer websites. You need to change the way you think if you are going to succeed in the hyper-aggressive Internet marketing space.
You need to hire a company that builds car buyer websites.
The biggest flaw with today’s car dealer websites is that they are built for the car dealer and not the customer.
All of the car dealer website companies out there specialize in building websites for auto dealers and they are very good at it, but, they are terrible at building dealership websites for those that use them the most - car buyers. We specialize in looking past the car dealer and building a car dealer website that connects with a customer.
Lot or Not does not specialize in building websites for just car dealers. Our parent company, Single Throw Internet Marketing, is one of the top Internet marketing companies in the country servicing such brands as Endust, Sara Lee, Bath Fitter, Acer Computers and many more. Our Internet marketing consultants are the best in the business.
We have the expertise and experience to build a car dealer website that does far more and produces far better results than any other car dealer website company - period.
Think about this – Why would you hire a company that only specializes in car dealer websites? They do not have the experience to bring new ideas to the table because they only know one industry. They do not create dealership websites that are custom designed to fit your business, your personality and your customer, they typically create template car dealer websites that you need to try and fit into.
The biggest issue with car dealer website companies is that they work with all of your competitors! How can a company that works with your closest competitors possibly help you win? If you come up with a great new idea they will give it to all of your competition. Don’t you want a marketing company to help you develop new and unique ideas to beat the competition? Why would you choose a company that works with your competitors and can level the playing field?
Lot or Not was created to help car dealerships dominate in the competitive Internet marketing space. We do not work with our clients' competitors and we develop car dealer websites that are more persuasive, better targeted and customer centric.
Take a look at any of our car dealer case studies and you’ll see that we increase business for our clients beyond what they have ever experienced in the car dealer website space. We can be your secret weapon in the Internet marketing arena (as long as we are not already working with your competition).
If you want to be the same as your competition keep doing what you are doing.
When you’re ready to stand out and get real qualified customers – contact us today.
Phone: 732.451.0820 732.451.0820
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NJ Hyundai dealer Brad Benson climbs from #100 to the #2 Hyundai dealership in the country in less than 24 months. 400% increase in website activity and 500% increase in lead conversion.
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NJ BMW dealership, BMW of Freehold a DCH dealership increases search engine placement by over 1000% and sees an increase in lead activity by 400%.
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Ray Catena Mercedes one of the world's top Mercedes Benz dealers saves $50,000 per year and doubles its paid search results.
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Lot or Not is owned and operated by one of the nation's top Internet marketing companies, Single Throw Internet Marketing.
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