MJMI (Michael J. Motto Internet)
MJMI (Michael J. Motto Internet)
719 Raritan Road, Clark, NJ
(732) 382-4000
What We Believe
" A website's primary function is to entice as many potential customers as possible to give their name and phone number to the dealer, and secondarily their email address. "
" We believe that, as a website provider, that it is our responsibility to be as flexible as we possibly can, and to strive to provide each client with the product that suits their specific needs best. "
" We believe that at the dealership level, each individual dealership website should differentiate that dealer from their closest competing dealership(s) out-branding and out-classing the competition. "
" We know it is our responsibility to engineer websites that are easy on your visitors. We build sites that customers use with the minimum work, the minimum confusion and the maximum merchandising opportunities. "
" Our focus is on building sleek content management tools, automating the merchandising process where possible, and assisting our clients and their advertising agencies, so that our websites save our customers' time and effort so they can do what they do best - sell cars. "
" Exciting multi-media presentations that are produced specifically for a single client to be used strategically and tactically is the future of Internet marketing or dealerships. Our job is to bring that to you on a cost-efficient and rapid deployment platform. "
" Consider that your visitors are intelligent, thoughtful and busy. Our sites shouldn't insult their intelligence and should never waste their time. "
Customer Care
" Wherever possible, website support should be provided in real-time. "
" Clients should have multi-layered single points of contact who are intimately familiar with their websites and style of operation. "
Dealership Personnel and Internet Sales Activities
" As much as possible, provide tools and platforms that work in conjunction with how the dealership already operates in order to minimize the hardest thing to change of all - people. "
Internet Investment and Expense
" Provide services on the basis of what they can affordably be brought to the customer for, rather on the basis of how much can we get them to spend. "
Contact Us: Service Inquiry Dealership Website Dealership Group Website Free Audit of Your Website Visitation Promotion Dealership CRM Success Consulting Chat/Concierge Services Multimedia Dealership Marketing Pick Our Brains for Free Corporate Website
MJM Internet, LLC. 719 Raritan Road Clark, NJ 07066 Toll Free 1-888-532-3647 1-888-532-3647 Fx 732-382-0051
Vehlocity Search Optimization, Gen7 Dealership Websites, DealerSight Internet Lead Management, AutoAudio & Snippetz Website Multimedia, Online Reputation Management
2010 All rights reserved
