Mazmania Online Marketing
Mazmania Online Marketing
PO Box 507
Howell, NJ 07731
Phone: (201) 838-5635
You've Come To the Right Place...
Online marketing consulting is a highly-specialized field of endeavor. As you most likely know, many online marketing consultants and online marketing agencies claim to have the answers to your internet marketing problems. Mazmania Online Marketing helps companies in Northern New Jersey and New York understand online marketing efforts in their totality, in relation to a company's offline advertising and marketing, and as an integral part of a larger marketing effort.
You're spending a fortune offline but people aren't visiting your site. You think you are getting good results from some online advertising you are running, but you're not sure. You had a person on staff who had a good handle on internet marketing but he/she left your company for one reason or another. You want to create your own email marketing or search engine marketing programs, but you don't know where to start. You are bombarded by sales reps from all walks of life and you don't know who is reputable and who to avoid, so you avoid them all.
If these comments sound familiar, you are the type of company we can help. As you examine the limited number of pages we have put up for you to view, please note that there is a wealth of online marketing experience at Mazmania Online Marketing. We enjoy our what we do so much we don't think of it as number-crunching, we see it as a specialized service that is extremely creative and interesting. We don't look at it as our work, we view it as your work. When we look for opportunities and negotiate on your behalf we don't view your budget as play money, we view it as if we were spending our own money.
Rather than spread ourselves thin and not give our clients the time and attention they each deserve, we have limited our geographic client area, and we refuse to take on more online marketing consulting work than we can handle. The result of this approach is a focus on helping you exploit the full marketing potential of the internet and get the most for your money from the budget you allocate to online marketing. If we do our jobs right, you will recommend us to other potential clients. This is the ultimate "end result" of our efforts.
We believe that companies waste an unbelievable amount of money misdirecting their internet budgets toward concepts that are flawed. Too many campaigns are not targeted, many sites do not work to optimize their client’s “bang for the buck,†and poorly-directed click-through URLs return the few visitors who are actually interested to home pages that require them to go on a new hunt for information.
Our job, as we see it, is to provide counsel to help you define what you want to do, why you want to do it, and then return ideas and suggestions for you to consider that will enable you to make a decision that makes good business sense.
We believe that good internet marketing involves a totally integrated approach that includes all of the elements of advertising, PR, promotion, research and sales. It should be diverse, and it should be measurable. It should be engaging, and components should be changed on a moment’s notice if they aren’t working. It should work seamlessly within the larger context of an overall marketing program that includes online and offline elements. It should drive visitors to places where something meaningful and effective can occur. It should provide immediate value to visitors, and encourage them to return and (in the best case scenario) recommend the site and its value to friends, colleagues and family members.
